International Accreditation Comparative Study (AUN-QA) to UNS

July 11, 2018, oleh: lsi@umy2021

Wednesday (04/07). In Comparative Study Accreditation to UNS, the group consisted of 2 persons. Rizal Yaya (Dean of FEB) and Sigit Arie Wibowo (Sekprodi Akuntansi). The group departed from Yogya at 09.00 am by using the university car. Arrived in Solo at 10.30 WIB. Followed by attending the inaugural invitation of Professor Hasan Fauzi. He is also the Editor in Chief of Social Responsibility Journal (Q3 Scopus).

FEB UNS is one of the faculty that has already received ABEST accreditation. During the visit scheduled for 13.00, the group was greeted by Dr. Ir. Agung Prabowo (Wadek for Academic Affairs UNS). There are several points that the team can get from the visit with him, including which AUN-QA or ABEST accreditation prioritized for accreditation first? In his view, for improving the internal quality of the prodi, AUN -QA is the right choice because the focus ensures the quality of learning to be consistent with the expected outcomes of the study. Based on his experience, the guidelines for AUN-QA are more rigid. ABEST according to him also more to the prestige alone, not much impact on internal processes.

He also explained the picture of the preparation process for what kind of accreditation. Further in the discussion, according to him, AUN-QA accreditation will strengthen BAN-PT accreditation. If a prodi has got AUN-QA, then the assessor will have a positive outlook on the quality of the study program.

With the efforts of international accreditation the cost is very large indeed. There needs to be serious support from the university leadership. Costs incurred include: training for a week’s prodi department in Bangkok (Thailand), registration fee as member, preparation of real data related to the needs of the targeted users (industry / work world), visitation and preparation costs, document preparation and system implementation costs which conforms to the AUN-QA standard including the standard exam questions, he concluded.