Bridging Accounting 2018 "Membentuk Karakter Calon Akuntan yang Unggul dan Berkemajuan"

September 10, 2018, oleh: lsi@umy2021

Wednesday (7/9) at the Ground Floor of Masjid Campus of the Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta, the opening of the 2018 Bridging Accounting has been held. The activity with the theme “Membentuk Karakter Calon Akuntan yang  Unggul dan Berkemajuan” was held for 4 days starting from September 5-8 with the opening material delivered by Irwan Rosadi S.Psi and continued with supporting materials such as the submission of DPA, Ethics and Soft Skill, as well as materials related to Journal and E-learning.

The activity opened by Mr. Ahim Abdurahim is expected to become a “Bridge”, a bridge or bridge the new students from high school to the world of scholarship, especially studying at the Accounting Study Program of Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta. At the end of the opening, he said that “Old is certain. Adult is a choice, by being yourself will make student friends have a strong personality foundation “.

Then on September 8, 2018 Accounting Bridging activities were closed with joint outbound at Dolan Ndeso Belo, Kulonprogo. It is expected that with outbound activities new students can develop soft skills (personal and interpersonal, usually in the form of abilities (skills) or skills) and hardskill (technical skills or mastery of one’s field through speed and accuracy).

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